Far North Wind Forecast
9km/h, NE
9km/hSECooktown9km/h, SE
9.4km/hSSEThursday Island9.4km/h, SSE
9.4km/hSWeipa9.4km/h, S
9km/hNECardwell9km/h, NE
- Abingdon Downs
- Adelaide Reef
- Admiralty Island
- Aeroglen
- Agincourt No 4 Reef
- Agnew Airport
- Aipus Island
- Akone Islet
- Albany island
- Albany Rock
- Albatross Bay
- Albatross Cove
- Alert Patches
- Alexandra Bay
- Alexandra Reefs
- Alligator Creek Entrance
- Almaden
- Almond Point
- Aloomba
- Alpha Reef
- Amber
- Amos Bay
- Andersen Reef
- Andoomajettie Point
- Andrew Reef
- Annan River Entrance
- Annie River Campground
- Ape Reef
- Aplin Islet
- Arbouin
- Archer Point
- Archer River
- Archer River-Mouth
- Arden Island
- Ariel Bank
- Arlington Reef
- Armistice Reef
- Arnold Islets
- Arriga
- Arthur Patches
- Ashmore Banks
- Ashmore Reef
- Ashwell Creek Entrance
- Atherton
- Atherton Aerodrome
- Au-Masig Reef
- Aukane Islet
- Aureed Island
- Aurukun
- Aurukun Airport
- Ayton
- Baal Gammon Mine
- Babinda
- Badu Island
- Badu Island Airport
- Bailey Creek-Mouth
- Bailey Point
- Baird Island
- Balclutha Creek Entrance
- Baldy Mountain Forest Reserve Bush Camping
- Bamaga
- Bamboo
- Bamboo Creek
- Bampfield Head
- Barlow Park
- Barn Island
- Baron Reef
- Barr Creek Entrance
- Barrine
- Barron
- Barron Gorge
- Barron River Entrance
- Barrow Island
- Barrow Point
- Bartle Frere
- Bartle Frere South Peak
- Barwidgi
- Basilisk
- Basin Hole Campground
- Bathurst Bay
- Bathurst Head
- Batt Reef
- Bauer Inlet
- Bay Point
- Bayag Reef
- Bayview Heights
- Beanley Island
- Beatrice
- Beatrice Reef
- Beaver Reef
- Bedarra Island
- Beesley Island
- Bell Bank
- Bellenden Ker
- Bellenden Ker Centre Peak
- Bellevue
- Bellfield
- Belvedere
- Bentley Park
- Beor Reef
- Bessie Point
- Bet Island
- Bewick Island
- Biboohra
- Bicton Creek Entrance
- Big Creek Entrance
- Bilyana
- Bingil Bay
- Binstead Reef
- Bird Islands
- Birkalla
- Bishop Point
- Bizant River Campground
- Bizant River Entrance
- Black Rock
- Blackbull
- Blackwood Island
- Blanchard Reef
- Blencoe Falls Campground
- Bligh Reef
- Bloomfield
- Bloomfield Airport
- Bloomfield River Entrance
- Bluewater Marina
- Bobardt Point
- Boigu Island
- Boigu Island Airport
- Bolt Head
- Bolwarra
- Bolwarra Airport
- Bombeeta
- Bonnie Doon
- Booby Island
- Boogan
- Bootie Island
- Bottom Whiphandle Waterhole Campground
- Bougainville Reef
- Boulder Rock
- Bourne Island
- Bow Reef
- Bowden Island
- Bowles Reef
- Boyd Point
- Boydong Cays
- Boydong Island
- Bramble Cay
- Bramston Beach
- Bramston Point
- Breakfast Creek Entrance
- Breaking Patches
- Bresnahan Island
- Briggs Reef
- Brinsmead
- Bristow Island Bobo
- Broomfield Rock Reef
- Brown Creek Campground
- Brown Creek Entrance
- Browne Island
- Buchan Point
- Buchan Rock
- Buddabadoo Creek Entrance
- Bulburra Beach
- Bulgun
- Bulleringa
- Bungalow
- Bunker Reef
- Burke Reef
- Burkitt Island
- Bush Islet
- Bushy Island
- Butchers Creek
- Bamaga Airport
- Cairncross Island
- Cairns
- Cairns Boat Ramp Fearnley Street
- Cairns Coconut Holiday Resort
- Cairns Cruising Yacht Squadron
- Cairns Crystal Cascades Holiday Park
- Cairns Harbour
- Cairns Harbour-Saltwater Creek Entrance
- Cairns International Airport
- Cairns Marlin Marina
- Cairns North
- Camel Head Reef
- Camisade Creek Entrance
- Camp Creek
- Campbell Island
- Campbell Point
- Cannon Park Racecourse
- Cap Islet
- Cape Bedford
- Cape Bowen
- Cape Direction
- Cape Flattery
- Cape Flattery Airport
- Cape Grafton
- Cape Grenville
- Cape Griffith
- Cape Kimberley
- Cape Melville
- Cape Rock
- Cape Sidmouth
- Cape Tribulation
- Cape Weymouth
- Cape York
- Captain Billy Landing Campground
- Caravonica
- Cardstone
- Cardwell
- Cardwell Boat Ramp Sheridan Street
- Carmoo
- Carrington
- Carruchan
- Carter Reef
- Cassowary
- Casuarina Point
- Cat Reef
- Cayley Reef
- Cazalys Stadium
- Cedar Bay
- Celebration Reef
- Chandogoo Point
- Channel Reef
- Channel Rock
- Channel Rocks
- Chapman Island
- Cheropo Island
- Cherry Tree Bay
- Chester River Entrance
- Chewko
- Chillagoe
- Chillagoe Airport
- Chilli Beach Campground
- Chinaman Reef
- Chinamans Creek Entrance
- Chisholm Point
- Cholmondeley Islet
- Chong Swamp Campground
- Clack Island
- Claraville
- Claremont Point
- Clarke Island
- Claudie River Entrance
- Clerke Island
- Cliff Islands
- Cliffy Point
- Clifton Beach
- Clump Point
- Coates Reef
- Cochable Creek Campground
- Cochin Reef
- Cockburn Reef
- Coconut Island
- Coconut Island Airport
- Coconuts
- Cod Hole
- Coen
- Coen Airport
- Colclough Reef
- Collette Reef
- Colmer Point
- Coloured Sands Beach
- Combe Island
- Combe Point
- Comoon Loop
- Congora Beach
- Conical Rock
- Conjuboy
- Constantine Point
- Cooks Hut Campground
- Cooktown
- Cooktown Airport
- Cooktown Jetty
- Coombe Island
- Cooper Creek Entrance
- Cooper Point
- Cooroo Lands
- Coorumba
- Cooya Beach
- Coquet Island
- Coquette Point
- Coralie
- Corbett Reef
- Cotterell River Entrance
- Cow Bay
- Cowal Creek Entrance
- Cowie Bay
- Cowie Point
- Cowley
- Cowley Beach
- Cowley Creek
- Cowlishaw Reef
- Crab Island
- Craiglie
- Creech Reef
- Crescent Reef
- Croydon
- Croydon Airport
- Cruiser Passage
- Crystal Brook Airport
- Crystal Creek Entrance
- Crystalbrook
- Crystalbrook Superyacht Marina
- Cullen Point
- Cullinane
- Curd Reef
- Currajah
- Curri Curri Bush Campground
- Dadalai Islet
- Dagmar
- Dagworth Airport
- Daintree
- Daintree River Entrance
- Dallachy Creek Entrance
- Dalrymple Islet
- Danbulla
- Danga Missin
- Daniell Reef
- Daradgee
- Daua Island
- Dauan Island
- Daveson
- Davie Reef
- Dawson Reef
- Day Reef
- Dayman Point
- Dead Dog Creek Entrance
- Deception Point
- Dedin
- Deep Creek Entrance
- Deeral
- Degarra
- Delaney Creek Entrance
- Denham Island
- Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry Wharf
- Derry Reef
- Desailly
- Devlin Reef
- Diamond Reign Reefs
- Dickson Inlet
- Dimbulah
- Dimbulah Airport
- Dingo Pocket
- Dingo Waterhole Campground
- Diwan
- Dixie
- Djarawong
- Djiru
- Donovan Creek Entrance
- Donovan Point
- Double Etatapuma Point
- Double Island
- Double Point
- Doughboy River Entrance
- Douglas Islet
- Dove Islet
- Downfall Creek Campground
- Drumduff Airport
- Dry River South Mine
- Dugong Islet
- Dumaralag Islet
- Dungeness Reef
- Dunk Island
- Dunk Island Airport
- Eagle Island
- Earlville
- East Barron
- East Cay
- East Creek
- East Feluga
- East Hope Island
- East Innisfail
- East Palmerston
- East Petherbridge Island
- East Russell
- East Strait Island
- East Trinity
- East Trinity Boat Ramp
- Eaton
- Eborac Island
- Eddy Reef
- Eden Reef
- Edge Hill
- Edmonton
- Edward River
- Eel Reef
- Egmont Reef
- Einasleigh
- Einasleigh Airport
- El Arish
- Elford Reef
- Elim Beach Campground
- Eliot Falls Campground
- Ella Bay
- Ellerbeck
- Ellie Point
- Ellinjaa
- Ellis Beach
- Ellis Island
- Ellison Reef
- Embley Creek-Leithen Creek Entrance
- Embley River-Gonbung Point
- Embley River-Jessica Point
- Embley River-John Evans Drive Boat Ramp
- Embley River-Leithen Point
- Embley River-Lorim Point Wharf
- Embley River-Roberts Creek Entrance
- Embley River Entrance
- Emmagen Creek Entrance
- Emu Swamp Campground
- Endeavour
- Endeavour Reef
- Endeavour River-Charlotte Street Boat Ramp
- Endeavour River-Chinaman Creek Entrance
- Endeavour River-Point Saunders
- Endeavour River Entrance
- Endeavour River North
- Erub Island
- Erub Island Airport
- Escape Reef
- Esmeralda
- Ethel Islet
- Etty Bay
- Eubenangee
- Euramo
- Euston Reef
- Evans Bay
- Evans Landing
- Evans Point
- Evanson Point
- Evelyn
- Eves Reef
- Exit Reef
- Eyrie Reef
- Fahey Reef
- Fair Cape
- Falls Creek Entrance
- False Cape
- False Orford Ness
- False Pera Head
- Farewell Islets
- Farmer Island
- Farquharson Reef
- Feather Reef
- Feluga
- Ferguson Reef
- Fife Island
- Finch Bay
- Finlay Vale
- Firewood Creek Entrance
- First Coen River Campground
- First Red Rocky Point
- First Small Reef
- First Stony Point
- First Three Mile Opening
- Fish Point
- Fishery Falls
- Fison Reefs
- Fitzgerald Creek
- Fitzroy Island
- Five Mile Creek Campground
- Five Mile Creek Entrance
- Five Reefs
- Flat Islet
- Flattery Harbour
- Flinders Island
- Flirt Point
- Flora Reef
- Fly Point
- Fly Reef
- Flying Fish Point
- Flynn Reef
- Fong-On Bay Campground
- Forbes Islands
- Forest Creek
- Forsayth
- Forsayth Airport
- Forsberg Point
- Forty Mile
- Forwood Reef
- Fossilbrook
- Four Mile Beach
- Fourmile Creek Entrance
- Frankland Islands
- Franklin Reef
- Frederick Point
- Frenchman Reef
- Freshwater
- Freshwater Bay
- Friday Island
- Friday Pocket
- Friendly Point
- Fritz Creek Entrance
- Furze Point
- Gabba Island
- Gadgarra
- Gaibait Island
- Gainaulai Island
- Gallon Reef
- Gamboola
- Gamboola Airport
- Garden Island
- Garioch Reef
- Garners Beach
- Garradunga
- Garrison Creek Entrance
- George Creek Entrance
- Georgetown
- Georgetown Airport
- Germantown
- Getullai Island
- Gibbes Head
- Gibson Reef
- Gilbert River
- Gilberton
- Gilbey Reef
- Glady Inlet
- Glen Allyn
- Glen Boughton
- Glen Russell
- Glen Ruth
- Glennie Inlet
- Glennie Reef
- Goldsborough
- Goldsborough Valley Campground
- Goodman Point
- Goods Island
- Goolboo
- Goondi
- Goondi Bend
- Goondi Hill
- Gordon Creek Campground
- Gordonvale
- Gore Island
- Governors Waterhole Campground
- Graham Range Camping Area
- Granadilla
- Grave Point
- Great Adventures Wharf
- Great Detached Reef
- Great Woody Island
- Green Hill
- Green Island
- Gribble Point
- Groganville
- Grub Reef
- Gubbins Reef
- Gubmarau Reef
- Gulngai
- Gunjarra Island
- Gunnawarra
- Guthray Reef
- Humbug Point
- Haggerston Island
- Hales Island
- Half Moon Bay Marina
- Halfway Islet
- Hall Creek Entrance
- Hall Point
- Hall-Thompson Reef
- Ham Reef
- Hamliffe Creek Entrance
- Hammond Island
- Hampton Island
- Hann Crossing Campground
- Hannah Island
- Hannibal Island
- Hanushs Waterhole Campground
- Harmer Creek Entrance
- Harrier Reef
- Harrington Reef
- Hartleys Crocodile Adventures
- Hartleys Creek Entrance
- Harvey Island
- Hastings Reef
- Hawkesbury Island
- Hay Island
- Haycock Island
- Hayes Creek Entrance
- Hayter Point
- Hazel Reef
- Hazelgrove Reefs
- Heath Reef
- Heathlands Airport
- Hedge Reef
- Hedley Reef
- Helenvale
- Helenvale Airport
- Henrietta Creek Campground
- Henry Reef
- Herald Camp
- Herberton
- Hervey Shoals
- Hicks Island
- Hicks Reef
- High Island
- High Island Punsand
- Highbury
- Highbury Airport
- Hilder Reef
- Hills Creek Entrance
- Hinchinbrook Channel Entrance
- Holloways Beach
- Holmes Reef
- Holroyd River
- Hope Islands
- Hope Vale
- Horn Island
- Horn Island Airport
- Horn Island Boat Ramp
- Horse Creek Entrance
- Horseshoe Lagoon Campground
- Horsetailer Waterhole Campground
- Houghton Island
- Howick Island
- Howick River Entrance
- Howie Reef
- Hudson
- Hudson Bay
- Hudson Island
- Hull Heads
- Hull River Entrance
- Hummock Creek Entrance
- Hunter Inlet
- Hunter Point
- Hurricane
- Hutchison Island
- Iadi Island
- Ibis Dam
- Ichera Point
- Ida Island
- Ida Point
- Ince Point
- Indefatigable Reef
- Indian Bay
- Indian Head
- Ingram Island
- Injinoo
- Innisfail
- Innisfail Airport
- Innisfail Estate
- Innot Hot Springs
- Inset Cay
- Irene Reef
- Irvinebank
- Island Point
- Jackson River Entrance
- Jaffa
- Jaggan
- James Cook University Cairns
- Janie Creek Entrance
- Japoonvale
- Jardine Islet
- Jardine River
- Jardine River Entrance
- Jardine Rock
- Jarra Creek
- Jeannie River Entrance
- Jerry Lagoon Campground
- Jessie Island
- Jewell Reef
- Joan Reef
- Job Reef
- Johnson Islet
- Johnstone River-Banana Island
- Johnstone River-Coconut Point Boat Ramp
- Johnstone River-Humbug Reach
- Johnstone River-Innisfail Commercial Wharf
- Johnstone River-Innisfail Harbour Boat Ramp
- Johnstone River-Ninds Creek Entrance
- Johnstone River-Rocky Point
- Johnstone River-Sandfly Creek Entrance
- Johnstone River-South Johnstone River Entrance
- Johnstone River Entrance
- Jorgensen Patch
- Joyce Creek Entrance
- Jubilee Heights
- Jubilee Reef
- Jukes Reef
- Julatten
- Kaban
- Kagar Reef
- Kai-Damun Reef
- Kai-Maituine Reef
- Kairi
- Kalpowar Airport
- Kalpowar Crossing Campground
- Kalunga
- Kamerunga
- Kamma
- Kamutnab Islet
- Kangaroo River Entrance
- Kangkiji Beach
- Kanig Island
- Kanimbla
- Kappa Creek Entrance
- Karniga Island
- Karron
- Kaub Islets
- Kauri Creek Campground
- Kay Islet
- Kay Reef
- Keats Island
- Kendall River Airport
- Kennedy
- Kennedy Bay
- Kennedy Bend Campground
- Kennedy Inlet
- Kent Island
- Kerr Point
- Kestrel Reef
- Kewarra Beach
- Kidston Airport
- Kidston Dam
- Kilbie Beach
- Kilikane Island
- Killaloe
- Kimberley
- King Beach
- King Island
- King Reefs
- Kingsborough
- Kirkcaldie Reef
- Kirrama
- Koah
- Kongan Rock
- Koolburra Airport
- Koombooloomba
- Kooroomool
- Korea Reef
- Kowrowa
- Kubin Island Airport
- Kubin Village
- Kulbai Kulbai Island
- Kumboola Island
- Kumrunja Beach
- Kunai Islet
- Kuranda
- Kureen
- Kurrimine Beach
- Lacey Island
- Lagoon Reef
- Lake Barrine
- Lake Eacham
- Lake Koombooloomba
- Lake Mitchell
- Lake Morris
- Lake Tinaroo
- Lakefield
- Lakefield Airport
- Lakeland
- Lakeland Airport
- Lamb Range
- Langi Lagoon Campground
- Laradeenya Creek Entrance
- Laura
- Laura Airport
- Laurel Reef
- Layoak Islet
- Leafgold
- Leggatt Island
- Lena Reef
- Lily Vale
- Linda Reef
- Lindquist Island
- Linnet Reef
- Lion Reef
- Little Adolphus Island
- Little Barron River Entrance
- Little Boydong Islet
- Little Fitzroy Island
- Little Mulgrave
- Little Roko Island
- Little Turtle Bay
- Little Woody Island
- Liverpool Creek Entrance
- Lizard
- Lizard Island
- Lizard Island Airport
- Llapnab Islet
- Lloyd Bay
- Lloyd Island
- Lloyds Reef
- Lockhart
- Lockhart River
- Lockhart River Airport
- Lockhart River Entrance
- Log Reef
- Logan Jack Creek Entrance
- Long Sandy Reef
- Lookout Point
- Low Isles
- Low Wooded Island
- Lower Cowley
- Lower Daintree
- Lower Davies Creek Campground
- Lower Tully
- Lowrie Reef
- Loyalty Beach
- Lugger Bay
- Lumholtz
- Lyndhurst
- Lyndhurst Airport
- Lyndside
- Lyons Point
- Lytton Reef
- Maadi
- Maalan
- Mabel Island
- Mabuiag Island
- Mabuiag Island Airport
- Macalister Range
- MacArthur Islands
- MacDonald River Entrance
- MacGillivray Reef
- Machans Beach
- Mackeys Creek Entrance
- Mackinnon Creek Entrance
- MacLear Island
- MacLennan Cay
- Macmillan River Entrance
- Magazine Creek Entrance
- Magazine Island
- Magpie Reef
- Magra Islet
- Mai Islet
- Maitak Island
- Maitland Downs Airport
- Malanda
- Mamu
- Mamu Rainforest Canopy Walkway
- Mango Lagoon Campground
- Mangrove Island
- Manley Island
- Manoora
- Mantis Reef
- Manunda
- Maori Reef
- Mapoon
- Mareeba
- Mareeba Airport
- Margaret Bay
- Maria Creek Entrance
- Maria Creeks
- Markilag Islet
- Marrett River Entrance
- Marsden Islet
- Marte Island
- Martha Ridgway Reef
- Martin Reef
- Martyville
- Mason Creek Entrance
- Mason Reef
- Masons Wharf
- Massy Creek Entrance
- Matu Island
- Maxwell Reef
- May Reef
- May Rock
- McCulloch Reef
- McCutcheon
- Mcivor River Entrance
- McSweeny Reef
- Meddler Island
- Megaera Reef
- Meggi-Damun Reef
- Melaleuca Waterhole Campground
- Melissa Creek Entrance
- Mena Creek
- Merluna Airport
- Merryburn
- Meth Islet
- Meunga Creek Entrance
- Mew River Entrance
- Miallo
- Michaelmas Reef
- Mick Creek Entrance
- Mick Fienn Waterhole Campground
- Mid Reef
- Middle Brother Islet
- Middle Reef
- Middlebrook
- Midgenoo
- Midgeree Bar
- Midway Waterhole Campground
- Mighell
- Miles Reef
- Millaa Millaa
- Milln Reef
- Millstream
- Milman Islet
- Mimi Islet
- Minbun
- Minnamoolka
- Mipe Islet
- Miriwinni
- Mission Bay
- Mission Bay-Rocky Island
- Mission Beach
- Mission River
- Moa Island
- Mona Mona
- Mona Rock
- Monkhouse Point
- Monkman Reef
- Monsoon Reef
- Moody Reef
- Moomin
- Moon River Entrance
- Moore Reef
- Mooroobool
- Moregatta
- Moresby
- Moresby River Entrance
- Morey Reef
- Morilug Islet
- Morris Island
- Mosquito Point
- Mossman
- Mossman Gorge
- Mossman River Entrance
- Mouinndo Islet
- Moulter Cay
- Mount Adolphus Island
- Mount Bartle Frere
- Mount Carbine
- Mount Ernest Island
- Mount Finnigan
- Mount Garnet
- Mount Garnet Airport
- Mount Mackay
- Mount Molloy
- Mount Mulgrave
- Mount Mulligan
- Mount Mulligan Peak
- Mount Peter
- Mount Pieter Botte
- Mount Sheridan
- Mount Surprise
- Mount Surprise Airport
- Mourilyan
- Mourilyan Harbour
- Mowbray
- Mowbray River Entrance
- Muddy Bay
- Munderra
- Mundoo
- Mung-um-gnackum Island
- Mungalli
- Munro Plains
- Munro Reef
- Muralag Island
- Murangi Islet
- Murdering Point
- Murdoch Island
- Murdoch Point
- Murray Falls Campground
- Murray Island
- Murray Island Airport
- Murray Point
- Murray River Entrance
- Murray Upper
- Murrigal
- Musgrave Airport
- Mutacomal Reef
- Mutchero Inlet
- Mutchilba
- Mutee Head
- Myall Creek Entrance
- Myola
- Nanthau Beach
- Nanum
- Napranum
- Narau Beach
- Nardana Patches
- Nathan Reef
- Nepean Island
- Nerada
- Nesbit River Entrance
- New Harbourline
- New Laura
- New Laura Airport
- New Mapoon
- New Northcote
- New Reef
- Newell
- Newton Island
- Njatjan
- Ngurtai Islet
- Nicklin Islet
- Night Island
- Night Paddock Lagoon Campground
- Ninian Bay
- Ninney Point
- No 10 Patches
- No 4 Branch
- No 5 Branch
- No 6 Branch
- No Name Reef
- Noah
- Noah Creek Entrance
- Noah Head
- Nob Island
- Nob Point
- Noble Island
- Noddy Reef
- Noggin Reef
- Nomad Reef
- Noreaster Reef
- Norman Creek Entrance
- Norman Reef
- Normanby Island
- Normanby River-Mouth
- Normanby Sound
- Normanby Sound-Black Rock
- Norship Wharf
- North Barnard Islands
- North Bay Point
- North Brother Rock
- North Direction Island
- North Island
- North Jardine River Campground
- North Johnstone
- North Kennedy River Entrance
- North Ledge
- North Palmer River Bush Camping Area
- North Warden Reef
- North West Reef
- Northern Small Detached Reef
- Northhead
- Nqea Wharf
- Nur Islet
- Nychum
- Nymbool
- Nymph Island
- OBriens Hill
- Oak Beach
- Obelisk Islet
- Obree Point
- Ogilvie Reef
- Old Archer Crossing Campground
- Old Faithful Waterhole Campground
- Old Laura Homestead Campground
- Old Man Rock
- Olive River Entrance
- Oliver Creek Entrance
- Oombunghi Beach
- Oombunghi Creek Entrance
- Ootann Airport
- Opal Reef
- Orange Plain Waterhole Campground
- Orchid Point
- Orford Bay
- Orford Ness
- Orton Island
- Osborne Reef
- Osprey Reef-West
- Outer Shoal
- Oyster Reef
- Packe Island
- Packers Camp
- Paddys Green
- Palfrey Island
- Palm Beach
- Palm Cove
- Palm Cove Jetty
- Palmer
- Palmer Point
- Palmer Sea Reef Golf Course
- Palmerston
- Palmerville
- Papou Point
- Parau Island
- Parke Reef
- Parkinson Reef
- Parramatta Park
- Parsons Reef
- Pascoe River Entrance
- Passage Island
- Paterson Creek Entrance
- Peak Point
- Pearce Cay
- Pearl Reef
- Pearson Reef
- Peart Reef
- Pebbly Beach
- Peenacar Rock
- Peeramon
- Pelican Island
- Pelican Islet
- Pellowe Reef
- Pennefather River-Mouth
- Pera Head
- Perry Harvey Jetty
- Perry Island
- Peter Reef
- Petford
- Pethebridge Islets Reef
- Phipi Reef
- Pickard Island
- Pickersgill Islet
- Piemonte
- Pig Island
- Pigeon Island
- Pin Gin Hill
- Pioneer Bay
- Piper Island
- Pipon Island
- Pirie Islet
- Pita Dabai Island
- Pitt Rock
- Platypus Campground
- Poll Island
- Port Douglas
- Port Douglas Glengarry Holiday Park
- Port Kennedy
- Port Lihou Island
- Port Musgrave Entrance
- Portland Roads
- Portsmith
- Portsmith Boat Ramp Tingira Street
- Possession Island
- Potter Reef
- Pretty Beach
- Pretty Patches
- Princess Charlotte Bay
- Princess Hills Campground
- Puigulag Islet
- Pulu Islet
- Pumpkin Island
- Punsand
- Punsand Bay
- Pururai Islet
- Quake Reef
- Quarantine Bay
- Queens Chair
- Quintell Beach
- Quintell Creek Entrance
- Quoin Island
- Quoin Reef
- Quoin Rock
- RAAF Scherger
- Raaf Shoals
- Rachel Carson Reef
- Raine Island
- Rainforest Campground
- Rattlesnake Channel
- Rattlesnake Point
- Rattlesnake Reefs
- Ravenshoe
- Ravensworth
- Red Bream Creek Entrance
- Red Cliff Point
- Red Fruit Islet
- Red Island
- Red Point
- Red River
- Red Wallis Island
- Redden Creek Entrance
- Redlynch
- Reid Point
- Reid Rock
- Rennel Island
- Restoration Island
- Restoration Rock
- Return Creek Dam
- Ribbon No 1 Reef
- Ribbon No 10 Reef
- Ribbon No 2 Reef
- Ribbon No 3 Reef
- Ribbon No 4 Reef
- Ribbon No 5 Reef
- Ribbon No 6 Reef
- Ribbon No 7 Reef
- Ribbon No 8 Reef
- Ribbon Reef No 9
- Richter Creek Entrance
- Rio Tinto Weipa Mine
- Risk Reef
- Roberts Islet
- Roberts Point
- Robinhood Airport
- Robinsons Beach
- Rockingham
- Rocky Creek Entrance
- Rocky Island
- Rocky Islets
- Rocky Islets Reef
- Rocky Ledges
- Rocky Point
- Rocky Point Island
- Rocky River Entrance
- Rodda Reef
- Rodney Island
- Roko Island
- Rolling Bay
- Rookwood
- Rossville
- Round Island
- Round Island Frankland Group National Park
- Round Islet
- Round Point
- Ruby Reef
- Rudder Reef
- Russell Heads
- Russell Island
- Rykers Creek Entrance
- Sadd Point
- Saddle Island
- Saibai Island
- Saibai Island Airport
- Sail Rock
- Saint Crispin Reef
- Saint Pauls
- Salamander Reef
- Saldogoo Beach
- Salter Island
- Saltwater Creek Entrance
- Saltwater Creek Entrance Newell
- Saltwater Crossing Campground
- Sand Bank Number 1 Reef
- Sand Bank Number 5 Reef
- Sand Bank Number 7 Reef
- Sand Bank Number 8 Reef
- Sand Reef
- Sandy Islet
- Sandy Pocket
- Sassie Island
- Saunders Islet
- Saunders Reef
- Saveka Point
- Saxon Reef
- School Point Campground
- Scott Island
- Scott Reef
- Scrub Hen Creek Entrance
- Seabird Islet
- Second Beach
- Second Coen River Campground
- Second Red Rocky Point
- Second Small Reef
- Second Stony Point
- Seelee Creek Entrance
- Seisia
- Senrab Point
- Sextant Rock
- Shadwell Reef
- Shallow Bay
- Shannonvale
- Sharland Reefs
- Sharp Point
- Shelburne
- Shelburne Bay
- Shell Pocket
- Sherrard Island
- Shiptons Flat
- Shortland Reef
- Siddons Reef
- Silkwood
- Silkwood East
- Silky Oak
- Silver Valley
- Simpson Bay
- Simpson Point
- Sinclair Island
- Sinclair Islet
- Sinclair-Morris Reef
- Sir Charles Hardy Island
- Six Mile Waterhole Campground
- Skardon River Entrance
- Skardon River Mine
- Skeleton Creek Entrance
- Slade Point
- Slip Cliff Point
- Smith Island
- Smithfield
- Smiths Creek Entrance
- Snake Reef
- Snapper Island
- Somerset
- South Newt Island
- South Barnard Islands
- South Barrow Island
- South Brother Rock
- South Cape Bedford
- South Direction Island
- South Innisfail
- South Island
- South Jardine River Campground
- South Johnstone
- South Johnstone River Campground
- South Ledge
- South Mission Beach
- South Noah Beach
- South Warden Reef
- Southedge
- Southedge Dam
- Southern Small Detached Reef
- Speewah
- Spring Creek Airport
- Spring Creek Entrance
- Springfield
- Spurgeon
- Staaten
- Stafford Point
- Stainer Islet
- Stanley Island
- Stannary Hills Dam
- Stapleton Island
- Star Reef
- Starcke
- Starcke River Entrance
- Stark Reef
- Stephens Island
- Stevens Reef
- Stewart Creek Valley
- Stewart River Entrance
- Stockton
- Stork Reef
- Stoters Hill
- Stratford
- Strathaven Airport
- Strathleven
- Strathmore
- Struck Island
- Sturt Cove
- Suarji Island
- Subur Islet
- Sudbury Reef
- Sunday Islet
- Sundown
- Sunny Bay
- Sunshine Point
- Sunter Island
- Susur Reef
- Swallows Landing
- Sweetwater Lake Campground
- Switzer Reef
- Sykes Reef
- Sylvan Reef
- Syndicate
- Talab Island
- Talaroo
- Talavera Airport
- Tam Oshanter
- Tam OShanter Point
- Tartana Mine
- Tarzali
- Taylor Point
- Taylor Reef
- Temple Bay
- Temple Creek Entrance
- Terau Island
- Tern Cliffs
- Tern Island
- Tetley Island
- The Wildlife Habitat
- Thetford Reef
- Thomas Point
- Thompson Point
- Thomson Islet
- Thornborough
- Thornton Beach
- Thornton Peak
- Thorpe Island
- Thorpe Point
- Three Islands
- Three Month Island
- Three Reefs
- Throne Shoals
- Thud Point
- Thursday Island
- Tijou Reef
- Tinaroo
- Tolga
- Tongue Reef
- Top Whiphandle Waterhole Campground
- Topaz
- Torwood Airport
- Treat Reef
- Tree Island
- Tree Reef
- Triangle Reef
- Triluck Creek Entrance
- Trinity Beach
- Trinity Inlet
- Trinity Park
- Trochus Island
- Tropical Reef Slipway
- Trunding
- Trunding Creek Entrance
- Tudu Island
- Tuesday Islets
- Tuft Rock
- Tuin Island
- Tully
- Tully Airport
- Tully Gorge Campground
- Tully Heads
- Tully River Entrance
- Tuluaa Islet
- Tumoulin
- Turtle Bay
- Turtle Creek Beach
- Turtle Creek Entrance
- Turtle Group
- Turtle Head
- Turtle Head Island
- Turtle Island
- Turtle Island Reef
- Turu Cay
- Twelve Mile Lagoon Campground
- Twin Island
- Twin Lagoons Campground
- Two Islands
- Tydeman Reef
- Tyrrel Reefs
- Ulfa Rock
- Ului Island
- Umagico
- Undara Airport
- Undine Reef
- Unison Reef
- Unity Reef
- Unnamed Cay
- Unnamed Reef no 3
- Upolu Reef
- Upper Barron
- Upper Daintree
- Upper Daradgee
- Upper Davies Creek Campground
- Urquhart Point
- Ussher Point
- Utchee Creek
- Vallack Point
- Van Spoult Head
- Vardons Lagoon Campground
- Varzin Shoal
- Vasa Views
- Vicary Bay
- Victoria Vale
- Viking Reef
- Villis Point
- Violet Vale Airport
- Vlasoff Reef
- Voaden Point
- Vrilya Point
- Wai Weer Islet
- Waining Reef
- Wairuna
- Wakooka Creek Entrance
- Walkamin
- Walker Bay
- Walker Point
- Wallaby Island
- Wallace Islet Reef
- Walsh Bay
- Walshs Pyramid
- Walter Hill
- Walter Lever Estate
- Wangan
- Wangetti
- Wangetti Beach
- Wanjuru
- Wap Reef
- Warakuiku Tabab Island
- Wardle Reef
- Warraber Island
- Warraber Island Airport
- Warragon Beach
- Warrami
- Warrior Reef
- Warrubullen
- Wasp Reef
- Waterhole Bay
- Waterwitch Reef
- Wathanin Airport
- Watson Island
- Watsonville
- Wattle Hills Airport
- Waua Islet
- Waugh Pocket
- Weary Bay
- Webb
- Wedge Rocks
- Wednesday Island
- Wee Beach
- Weigall Reefs
- Weipa
- Weipa Airport
- Welcome Waterhole Campground
- Wenlock
- Wentworth Reef
- West of Torres Strait
- Westcourt
- Weymouth Bay
- Whalebone Beach
- Wharton Reef
- Wheeler Island
- White Cliff Point
- White Point
- White Rock
- White Rocks Area
- Whitfield
- Whyanbeel
- Wide Bay
- Widul Island
- Wild River Dam
- Wilkie Island
- William Reef
- Willis Island
- Wilson Creek Entrance
- Wilson Reef
- Wishbone Reef
- Wizard Reef
- Woln-Garin Island
- Womer Cay
- Wondecla
- Wonga
- Wongabel
- Wongaling Beach
- Wood Reef
- Woody Island
- Woody Wallis Island
- Wooldrum Point
- Woopen Creek
- Wooroonooran
- Worbody Point
- Woree
- Wreck Creek Entrance
- Wrights Creek
- Wrights Creek Entrance
- Wrotham
- Wrotham Park Airport
- Wujal Wujal
- Wuwurrka Islet
- Wyborn Reef
- Wye Reef
- Wylies Creek Entrance
- Wyvuri Creek Entrance